Speaker ID is a new feature that uses voice bio-metrics to help improve Agent Identification for your inbound tracked calls.
This article will guide you through the process of activating Speaker ID for a user.
NOTE: We do not assign calls to receptionists, therefore they do not need to have a voice profile created.
How To Activate Speaker ID
1) Select Admin - Users from the left side navigation panel
2) Locate the user and select the Action button and then Activate Speaker ID
- NOTE: Please make sure the email address for this user is accurate. You can confirm by selecting "Edit" first and checking the user's email field. If it's not correct, please update and click "Save". Then proceed with Step 2.
3) When the confirmation window pops up, just select Continue
4) The user will then receive the following email, and will need to complete those steps.
Confirming Speaker ID is Activated
You can confirm if the user has completed the activation process, by checking the "Speaker ID" column in the User list.
- If they haven't completed the process, it will say "Not Setup".
- If they have completed the process, it will show as "Active".
- If the email was sent, but they haven't completed the process, it will show as "Activation Sent"
Resending the Speaker ID Activation Email
If your status shows as "Activation Sent" but you cannot locate the email or if you need to resend the email for any reason, just follow the steps above, but select "Resend Speaker ID". This will resend the Speaker ID activation email again.