The purpose of this article is to explain the information contained in the Tracking Lines report.
Creating Call Tracking Lines permits the ability to track calls coming into the dealership. Tracked calls are classified by the department and then scored; if applicable. The Tracking Line report shows data collected for each active tracking line.
To access the Tracking Lines report, go to the Menu Navigation Bar on the left side of the page and select Tracking Lines. BDC Central Users will need to select Call Management first, then select Tracking Lines.
All active Tracking Lines that have tracked minutes will appear in this report. If you have an active tracking line that does not appear in this report, you may need to test the line to ensure it is working properly.
Note: Active tracking lines that have not tracked any calls will not appear in this report.
The report opens to show the current month's activity for all active tracking line with tracked minutes. Filtering can be selected to select specific Dealerships and Timeframe.
The Tracking Lines report displays the following data.
- Tracking Line - Name, Tracking Number and Ring to Number
- Dealership - Identifies Dealership tracking line assignment
- Marketing Source - (BDC Central users only) Identifies Marketing Source assigned to tracking line
- Campaign - (BDC Central users only) Identifies Campaign assigned to tracking line
- Calls - Total Inbound Calls tracked by line
- Failed - Total Failed Calls and % of Failed Calls
- Connected - Total number of calls that were connected/answered and % Connected
- Assigned - Total number of calls where the Agent was identified and % Assigned
- Unique - Total number of unique calls and % unique
- Contact Info - Total number of calls where the customer's contact info was obtained and % obtained
- Appt Requested - Total number of calls where an Appointment was requested and % appt requested
- Appt Booked - Total number of calls where an Appointment was booked and % appt booked
- Minutes - Total number of minutes used by tracking line
To export this report, click on the Export icon in the bottom