The following updates and features were released in BDC Central on June 19, 2017
Non-Appointed Sales
- Added ability to edit, delete and update assigned rep for Non-Appointed Sales in Opportunity Management Log.
- Reporting updated to include Non-Appointed Sales in Total BDC Sales (not included in Closing ratios).
Reference Article: Non-Appointed Sales
Updated Reporting for Manager Activities
- Activity from managers without Daily Goal Expectations is no longer included in Average Daily Activities and Average Daily Appointment Volumes (ADAV).
- Appointments Reassigned to non-working Agents are not included in AVG Daily Activity and ADAV.
Executive Summary Updates -Appointments Per Day Graph
- Daily Appointment Calculation for % to Goal does not include appointment goals for non-working agents.
Mystery Shop Reporting Updates
- Timestamp adjusted to timezone or dealership's location for any Mystery Shop with the inquiry submitted on or after June 19th.
- Internet Follow-Up Process is now based off of physical days instead of 24 hour periods for any Mystery Shop with the inquiry submitted on or after June 19th.
General Bug Fixes
Performance Improvements