This article explains the steps for creating Agents (BDRs) in the BDC Central platform. For creating Agents in the CallerCX platform refer to this article: Creating Agents in Caller CX
Note: All new users are required to verify their email address prior to activating their profile. Refer to the following article for more information about the verification process: New User Email Verification Process
From Menu Navigation select "ADMIN" then "USERS".
From the Users profile list, select "ADD USER" to create a new user (located on the upper right page).
Personal Details
Complete the following fields:
- First Name (No initials, numbers or symbols)
- Last Name (No initials, numbers or symbols)
- Email Address *Required New User Email Verification Process
- Cell Phone (not required for Agents)
- Gender (optional)
Role Details
Click on the drop-down box to select the Agent role.
After selecting the Agent role, select the following
- Account Assignment
- Department (Sales, Service or Sales & Service)
Select Employment Status:
- Full Time
- Manual Hours**
**If BDR works less than 8 hours per day, select “Manual Hours”. This is recommended for Part-Time users and Team Leads with adjusted hours or anyone working less than 8 hours per day.
- Manual Hours will require users to enter their shift hours for each daily login. Once entered, the shift hours cannot be changed.
- Daily Goals are adjusted based on the number of shift hours entered at login. For example, if you have a standard goal of 100 Activities and your shift is for 4 hours, your Dashboard goals will be divided by the number of hours to be worked. Your goal will be 50 Activities.
- Custom Goals: if you create custom goals the Dashboard goals once the manual user has logged in will be based on the following:
Hourly goal x # of hours to be worked
Appointment Permission Authorizations
Click on toggle settings to enable or disable Appointment Permissions.
- Can update Show/Missed Status of appointments.
- Can update Sold Status (*Not Recommended)
- Can Cancel appointments
- Can Reschedule appointments
- Can update appointment status for other Agents (this only includes Confirm, Cancel, & Reschedule appointments)
User Details – Username and Password
Note: "Force Change Password on Next User Login" is enabled by default.
Agents can turn ON coaching alerts for Phone Skills Coaching Alerts. Coaching Alerts are OFF by default. Agents actively assigned to tracked calls are scored on performance. Phone Skills Coaching alerts are based on individual agent performance. Alerts are sent to agents via the email address in the agent profile. Refer to this article for more information on these alerts: Customizing Coaching Programs
Goals (Optional)
Click on the Goals drop-down box to open selection options. Custom Goals may be entered here. If using Standard Daily Goals, do not enable this feature. Note: All values entered must be greater than zero (0).
Note: When creating a MANUAL user AND applying Custom Goals the user's goals will be divided by the number of Shift Hours set when the agent logs into BDC Central.
Pay Plans
To create a customer Pay Plan for a user enter the required information. Pay plans for Show activity can be a specific amount or based on Tier Pay. Pay plans for Sales activity (sold units) can be a specific amount or Square Pay (Sales X Sales) can be used. Tier pay plans for Sales activity is not currently available.
To assign a Tier Pay Plan to a user refer to the following article:
Show Pay amounts are divided by Inbound and Outbound. Inbound refers to Phone Ups, Internet, Chat, and Text lead sources. Outbound refers to Walk-Ins (Sales) and Proactive Campaign lead sources.
Each user is assigned the default BDC Central Default Coaching Program. This includes coaching videos for Activity and Phone Skills-based activities. Refer to the following article for more information about assigning customized coaching programs:
Assigning Customized Coaching Programs
Select SAVE to create the new user.
After creating the user, the user's profile will be inactive pending email verification.
Note: All new users are required to verify their email address prior to activating their profile. Refer to the following article for more information about the verification process: New User Email Verification Process