This article explains how to understand the content in the Concierge display board. The purpose of the Concierge display board is to be able to monitor today's appointments by displaying the customer's name and their scheduled appointment times.
From the Menu Navigation bar select Display Boards, then Concierge.
By default, the Concierge Display Board opens to the current date.
Filters can be adjusted to customize reporting for Specific Dealerships and/or Date.
Users assigned to multiple Dealerships will have the option to change filter selections by Dealership.
Note: Only a single day can be selected for Timeframe filters.
Select Apply to set any filter selection changes.
Settings for display views can be adjusted by clicking on the Settings icon.
Toggles can be turned on or off to adjust information to be displayed. The following information can be adjusted in the display.
- Customer's Last Name (turning off will remove the customer's last name and only show the first initial of the customer's last name.)
- Agent's Name
- Appointment Details
- Departments Listed - Sales and/or Service
Key Concierge Display Board Features:
- Displayed Departments: Sales & Service. Settings can be adjusted to customize viewed departments.
- Customer Name: Displays customers first and last name, with their initials in colored icon.
- Agent Name: Shows the name of the agent who scheduled the appointment.
- Appt Time: Displays the scheduled appointment time.
- Appt Details: Displays icon if an appointment has been Rescheduled, the customer is a "Be Back", Confirmation text is enabled and/or a confirmation call was completed.
- Show Status: Displays as Green Checkmark if the customer has been marked as Showed.
Appointment Detail Icons
Rescheduled Appointment
Be Back
Text Confirmations Enabled
Confirmation Call Was Completed