The Leaderboard report provides performance rankings for active agents. The reporting is based on the BDI score for each agent. The Business Development Index (BDI) is a formulated score based on a combination of results from Performance, Activities, Skills and Training. A minimum of 30 working days is needed to generate the Leaderboard report. Data in the report is calculated from a 30 day rolling average.
This article explains the features in the Leaderboard report and how the BDI scores are calculated.
Sections in this article:
- Leaderboard Features Defined
- What is a BDI score?
Leaderboard Features Defined
From the Menu Navigation Bar, select LEADERBOARD
From Left to Right, the Leaderboard report displays the Rank, User and BDI (score); followed by rankings for Dealer Group, State, Dealers Like Me and Industry.
At the organizational level, the Leaderboard can be changed to report by Customers, BDCs or Users. This changes report rankings at the Customer, BDC or User levels.
Reporting for Dealer Group, State, Dealers Like Me and Industry displays the agent's ranking in each category. Changes in rankings are indicated by the numbers in Green.
Dealer Group - Your rank within your own organization
State - Your rank compared with other organizations within your state
Dealers Like Me - Your rank compared with other dealers who's organization is similar to your own
Industry - Your rank compared to all other dealers in your industry
What is a BDI score?
The Business Development Index Score (BDI) is a formulated score based on a combination of results from Activities, Performance, Skills and Training. The score is calculated from a 30-day rolling average after 30 working days have been recorded.
Activity - Score is based on daily revenue-generating activities and daily goal achievement.
Performance - Score is based on how well you perform at each Key Performance Indicator (KPI). KPIs include revenue-based Calls, Contacts, Appointments, Shows and Sold units (Sales).
Skill - Score is based on data obtained from Call Monitoring and Mystery Shop reporting. Skill scoring includes several key indicators such as obtaining customer contact info, asking qualifying questions, sales skills, and appointment setting skills.
Training - Score is based on completion of assigned Biz Dev Univ training.