This article reviews the key information provided in the Mystery Shop section of BDC Central.
Manager level users are able to view the results from Mystery Shop reporting by User, Dealership, and each completed Mystery Shop.
From the Mystery Shop view, Managers can view each report by clicking on the icon.
The following information is displayed in the Mystery Shop view:
- Evaluation Date - Date and time the Mystery Shop report was evaluated.
- Handled-By - Name of the person who handled the lead. The indicates the initial response time after the lead was submitted. The indicates the number of phone and email responses from the dealership in reference to this specific lead.
- Dealership - Name of the dealership where the lead was submitted.
- Reviewed - Indicates if the person who handled the lead reviewed the Mystery Shop report for this lead submission.
- Website Used - Indicates the website where the lead submission originated.
The next sections provide the scores obtained for each Mystery Shop scoring category.
- Response Time
- Process
- Address Inquiry
- Quality of Response
- Value Prop
- Drive to Action
- Total
Switching the view to Users displays the Mystery Shop reports by each user.
This view displays the following information:
User - Name of user evaluated.
Mystery Shops - The total number of reports for each agent based on the selected time period.
Reviewed - Indicates if the user has reviewed all reports.
The next sections provide the average of all scores obtained for each Mystery Shop scoring category.
- Response Time
- Process
- Address Inquiry
- Quality of Response
- Value Prop
- Drive to Action
- Total
Changing the view to Dealerships provides the overall scores for the selected time period for each dealership evaluated.